‘show your potential’
Welcome to my coaching company. My company Effective Communications specializes in one-to-one and small group oral communication skills training to the academic and the business communities in the UK and abroad.
So what is Effective Communications all about?
It’s about you getting your message across so that it’s received as well as possible. Why is that important? It’s important because people’s perception of your professional ability is influenced by the way you put yourself over.
So learn to make a positive impact on all you meet. To look and sound confident. To make your point clearly whether in a meeting, a lecture, a business presentation, a pod-cast, a video conference or a TV interview.
T.S. Eliot wrote “Prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet”. My job is to give you the tools to do just that. And more. To help you feel good about yourself inside.
I combine traditional training with the very latest Business Performance Coaching methods. To enable you to confront issues that are holding you back. To challenge your beliefs about yourself and the world around you. And to increase your potential to make a difference.